Thursday, October 21, 2010

Session 9

After the Depression occurred in the United States, the New Deal programs were started by Roosevelt. These New Deal programs led to the creation of the Social Security Act and Public Assistance. Sadly, both of these programs are in need of a definite reevaluation. Throughout the years, there were many different names and types of what is now called TANF-Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. I was surprised to see that it was created in 1996 I had thought this was a much newer form of aid, but I greatly agree with the positive light they're shedding on being a part of the work force. Although previously dubbed as a liberal view, I believe being a part of the work force should be a necessity. You should atleast be attempting to help yourself before you ask for help from the government. With that said, I LOVE the idea of 1996 Welfare Reform Act (an update to question #4), although I'm not sure it's being executed quite the way it was proposed. I definitely believe that by showing a consistent work effort, people should receive assistance in the form of childcare and health benefits(a more specific answer for #5). This is definitely a great update to #3, especially since I even mentioned I was largely unaware of the programs in place.The Welfare program also teaches about teen pregnancy prevention which was a group that I had often thought of as a "who" in those who are poverty stricken. I was very surprised to see I had not noted them in my original answers to questions #1 and #2.

I was also surprised to see that you could only collect for 60 months, but this was an aspect I liked. This is aid in constingence to you working, this is not a lifetime of benefits. If someone is used to always getting things handed to them, they will have no reason to work harder and no real interest in moving up to get a raise. I am also very very glad to see that it has been working. Within three years, ( from 2000 to 20003) 845,000 people less were receiving this aid and employment of single mothers incresed 12% in five years.

I really think that the work the Welfare Reform Act is doing is really awesome and as an update to #5, I think that this is one type of aid that is working and should continue!

What do you now think is the most beneficial of the programs that have previously (or are still currently) in place?

1 comment:

  1. I also agree that it is a good thing you can only be on welfare for 60 months, five years, because that will put a little fire under your butt to work hard and save up before your benfits disappear. It is amazing that the cut off date made the amount of people on welfare decrease so much and employment increase in single mothers so much!
