Monday, November 29, 2010

Session 14

Discrimination and racism are two things that everyone is familiar with, but I'm not quite sure if anyone really knows the differences between the two.
Discrimination- the pre-judgement and negative treatment of people based on identifiable characteristics such as race, gender, religion, age, disablitiy, etc.
Racism- discrimination against and prejudicial treatment of a racially different minority group.
On the other hand, one definition you probably haven't heard of (I hadn't) is institutional racism.
Institutional Racism- A pattern of racial discrimination that is strongly entrenched in a society.

Between 2000 and 2005, Atlanta's immigrant population grew by 37.8%. However, it decreased by almost 1% from 2006-2007 likely because of the economic slowdown. In the US, the illegal immigrant population grew by 2 million between 2000-2005. Surprisingly, Georgia had the largest amount of illegal population increase in between those five years. Not surprising, California houses the most number of illegal immigrants.

Despite what many may believe, the influx of the Hispanic population has remained consistent and the main shift has been from European immigrants to now Asian immigrants.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1996 doubled the size of the border patrol.
Since the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 security measures have dramatically increased and thousands have been deported due to immigration violations.
In 2006, Congress passed a law increasing border patrol and authorized 700 miles of fencing.

I think that using the proposed "Fair Tax" would be a great way to be able to tax everyone proportionately, including illegal immigrants. This is something I would suggest (question 5). This would create an increase in tax revenue for the American government and hopefully some of this money could be spent sustaining and possibly creating new programs for the poor in America (question 5).


  1. Fair Tax is a great program for America! No matter how much money you make, everyone should be taxed equally, including immigrants who are in America illegally. Its ridiculous that immigrants are not paying taxes, but eventually use benfits taxes pay for such as paved roads or good schools. Immigration is a huge issue and I do not believe that we should allow immigrants to come into America whenever they feel like it. Get a green card, pay taxes, and reep the benefits like legal immigrants such as my mother!

  2. Definitely support the fair tax and the way it will boost the economy. It was also make illegal immigrants more responsible and have them pay their part of the income tax which they clearly evade but enjoy the benefits. It will also hurt the illegals financially. This will not only make them raise their cost of working, but also try for legal immigration to get better opportunities.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with your viewpoints. The Fair Tax idea is a great program and everyone should be taxed equally. Immigrants also should be taxed and should not be able to just live in America for free or without any obligations.
