Monday, September 6, 2010

Original Views

1. Who you think is poor, both in the US and globally-

This question is difficult to answer because "poor" is a pretty subjective term. In the United States, the poverty threshold in 2008-2009 was $10,830. However, many Americans would find an income level much higher to be unsatisfactory and "poor" to them.
Globally, I imagine that the $10,830 threshold is about double. In many poverty stricken countries, a single family can live off of $1.25 in any single day.

2. Why you believe people are poor in the US and globally-

Many people in the US and globally are poor for various reasons. Being born into poverty is one of the largest contributing factors to adulthood poverty. Another large factor in the US can be attributed  to the growing unemployment rate. As the economy in the US took a downturn, millions of jobs were lost. With the new found unemployment, we have seen a great increase in the number of families using government aid.

3. What you think is being done about poverty (e.g., current policies and programs in the US and globally)-

Currently, Obama is trying to encourage higher level schooling for adults and children alike. It has been statistically shown that higher level education leads to an increase in pay and better job security. There are also many other programs in place to aid those in need. Medicaid, food stamps, and welfare are just a few of those assistance programs.

4. How well you think poverty is being addressed currently in the US and globally

I think poverty is always something that could be better addressed in both the United States and worldwide. Nevertheless, I feel like the programs currently in place in the United States are aiding those in need, just not enough. Globally, I am largely unaware of programs in place and the amount of assistance they're actually posing.

5. What do you personally think should be done about poverty in the US and globally (e.g., policies, programs you would suggest)

I believe that the programs that are already in place should remain in place (WIC, medicaid, social security). I also think that there should be a greater emphasis on both pre-schooling prior to kindergarten and contraceptive use while in higher levels of schooling. I would also like to applaud services such as "hands on Atlanta" for their aid with those in need, and I think that other programs like this in other US cities would do a large amount of good.


  1. Well Chloe I think you made some excellent points about how to define poverty and I do agree the Obama is trying to help people by pushing education, but in the end more things need to be done in addition to education such as monitoring who gets assistance and how people are using that assistance. Also, I would like to applaud programs like "hands on Atlanta" for how much they help our community and people who are struggling day to day. Great job!

  2. I agree that a lot of people are born into poverty. I think another reason is lack of education. I think there should be more assistance to help people learn how to get themselves out of poverty and how to overcome debt. I do not believe everything should just be a hand out such as welfare. I think that along with getting aid you should also be required to learn how to help yourself. Also there should be more limitations on who gets aid. For instance a drug and alcohol test should be required. If you can afford to drink and do drugs, then you can afford to pay your bills.

  3. Hi Chloe, I'm Brooke and in your class. I think you made some really great points and i pretty much agree with everything! Hah but i guess something i'm wondering about on your blogs are for the first question of who do you think is didn't name any like certain races or who do you think is more vulnerable to be in the situations of poverty? Just a thought of some thing more you could add to your blog! Good job on it though and it'd be really appreciated if you could comment on mine too!

  4. Hey Chloe, is Roxanne! I was just curious to whether or not you had any other ideas to why we have poverty, other than just blaming it on the "unemployment rate"?

  5. Hi Chloe! My name is Kendra and I am in your class! I think you did a wonderful job on your blog. I feel as though it is evident that certain demographics are the poorest.I also think that the roots of poverty run much deeper than "the unemployment rate! Please read my blog and leave a comment. I would greatly appreciate it! Best Regards!

  6. Oh here is the link to my blog! Please Comment!

  7. lweaver6- You're so right! A lack of education is DEFINITELY a contributer to the unemployment and poverty rates!

    brookehutto- I didn't list and ethnicities, but I probably should have! I initially had no idea it crated such a gap!
